(2003 to 2005)


Mon Aug 23 06:32:00 UTC+1000 2004


I remember, in about year 8, I got stuck into a very long argument with my religious teacher about 'selfishness' (it took up the entire lesson, my peers were indebted to me for giving them a 'free period').

It was my contention that all humans were completely, utterly, and undeniably selfish and that it was impossible for them to be any other way. My religious teacher (the two-faced, homosexual, sodomising, pervert he ended up being revealed to be) took the other side and asserted that humans were not necessarily selfish (and later he condemned me to hell, because he could see no fault in my logic that if I denied 'God' that when I died I would go to hell. Luckily for me, I considered him to be insane (you know, believing in God, etc.) otherwise that might have been upsetting news..).

I realised that I was correct about human selfishness at that time, and since then my opinion has not changed.

I think it is interesting that I get an objection from nearly everyone that I tell this to, because it is clearly true.

Selfishness is about being 'entirely' concerned for one's self.

You can use the word to describe 'the truth' (as I do) or as 'behavior' (as many perceive its meaning).

Even from a behavioral perspective, humans are entirely selfish. Even when they die to save others; something that is probably considered to be the most 'selfless' act a person could conduct.

The only way that I think it might be possible not be selfish is to entirely deny your significance, something that I don't think is *entirely* possible for a human to do. And even if it were, what use then would selflessness have, except to serve the selfishness of another?

I always thought it was clever how the church (being a collection of scammers, not some 'ethereal', 'intangible' entity) could tap human selfishness, and try to get selfless behavior, by offering rewards in an afterlife. Very clever. Evil though, I'm sure. “Be humble and charitable, otherwise you won't go to heaven!”

Obviously, any decision that you make, will be the one that you think is in your best interests. It doesn't mean you won't be wrong, but it does mean you're selfish.

I think “wanting to be remembered” is probably the best description of what most people use as their selfish goal to encourage selfless behavior from themselves, particularly when they don't believe in an afterlife.

Perhaps people who behave selfishly are just trying to be honest..?

People don't like witnessing selfish behavior in others, because it is not likely to align with their personal selfish agenda. Selflessness on the other hand..? Give it to *me*, *I* want it!

Copyright © 2003-2005 John Elliot