jj5 is John Elliot V

Hi there, my name is John Elliot V, and this is my web-site, www.jj5.net.

This page is about the name "jj5". It's a nickname of mine that I go by in various places. As you can see from the title of my manifesto I have many names, but jj5 is special: it's my "hacker alias". :)

jj5 is my email alias, you can contact me via email to jj5@jj5.net.

I've been going by the name jj5 since about the mid-ninties, and I've had the domain jj5.net since the late ninties.

There are a few other people on the internet who use the alias jj5, much to my disappointment. When I can't get the username jj5 I've gone for jj5v1 or dj_jj5 instead, so you might see me going by those names in some places.

I have a little bit of a web-presence beyond my jj5.net web-site. You can find me at the following places:
