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Revision as of 10:05, 29 April 2008 by JJ5 (talk | contribs)
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SSK13 Journal


After dinner (in Mt Riv) spent an hour or so on the group wiki. Read Margaret's comment and realised I'd just missed Monday nights tutorial. (I could have been in that, but forgot about it -- I was playing with my OLPC laptops that arrived from Stuart). Spent some time reviewing my essay and listening to the lectures before bed. Wasn't paying much attention to the lectures. Copied the draft of my essay into Word to complete and send to Craig, but discovered that it's around 1700 words (should be 1000). It seriously fucking pisses me off. He wants me to "unpack" and "expand" on all of my points, and he wants me to do it in 1000 words! Fuck! Shit! Cunt! Bitch!


It's 11:30pm, just wrapping up for the day. While the kettle boils (it's Sunday night, I'm going to have a cup of tea and get to bed) figured I'd swing by to remark that I've just *finally* got around to creating a playlist for my downloaded lectures. It's on CONDOR and just called SSK13 in iTunes. (Have never used the iTunes playlist feature before).


Swung by the group wiki to knock out a paragraph or two (circa 9pm) of my essay revision while waiting for TortoiseSVN. Tried to figure out what the beginnings of globalisation in the 9th century that one of my references was talking about could have been, and read a little about the Islamic Empire, China, and the invention of the compass. Added a few paragraphs trying to explain how the postmodern condition arose through reason (as opposed to merely in response to it), but haven't done a real great job of it as yet.


Put notes on the "Left's Agenda" onto my wiki page. These are to answer Craig's question about what the left had achieved.

Also enrolled in PHI130 for SP2.


Continued through Craig's feedback. Added a few new paragraphs to revised essay.


Swung by in the evening (around 8pm) to see what was happening. Nothing new on the discussion board. Saw a few comments from Margaret on the wiki discussion page, but wasn't sure what to say in reply, so didn't say anything. Thought about doing a little bit of work on my essay, but fell asleep! (Had a good long sleep though, which was a nice change.)


It's 7pm now. Having started the journal here, I popped over to the group 7 wiki and tidied up the side-bar. Much nicer now. Also posted a message to the wiki discussion page to let the group now what I'd done. Going to visit ProgSoc now.


Just realised we're supposed to be keeping a journal for the reflective essay due at the end of the course. Figured I'd better start keeping a journal. I can probably retrospectively construct a little more. It's 6pm Tuesday evening at the moment. Have just popped into work (Jones St) while waiting for the ProgSoc room to open, and checked up on the message board. No-one has said anything there since I posted a comment about the audio marks last weekend. Was up until 2am last night (this morning) working on the globalisation wiki and a revision of my essay. I spent a lot of time over the past few days (i.e. over the weekend and then Monday evening) listening to and transcribing the comments in my audio mark. I've started revision of my essay based on the feedback. I've been editing the essay directly on my wiki page (on the group wiki, not sixsigma), and I think that'll work well enough for me.

I've actually got a paper-based journal floating around in my bag. I tried to keep that up-to-date, but it kind of got buried in there. With any luck this journal will see more action.

Paul and Margaret are the two other active group members working on the wiki. Paul went nuts with with fonts and colours and whatnot in the wiki content he posted. I said something. I hope he's smart enough to figure out that's a bad idea and let it go, otherwise I'll be wading through tags while trying to contribute. I'd intended to post the essay question, but Paul already did -- which was good, but annoying. The links on the wiki are all bogus, and they can't be deleted. I really hate it when I have to manually 'cover over' a problem, the mess that's been made and can't be cleaned up drives me to distration. I can hack it out of site though. I suspect the other group members won't understand how the wiki software works in that level of detail. Might create a problem for them or confuse them though. Sigh.

I've been thinking about what to do over on the wiki: introduce the topic, set up pages for the various specialisations, set up a bilbliography (actually I did that a while back), set up a glossary (define: Fordism, post-Fordism, Taylorism, etc.). I suppose the various sub-topics each get their own pages.