AI class unit 1

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These are my notes for unit 1 of the AI class.

Welcome to AI


Will deliver a good introduction to AI. Going to be a lot of work, but very rewarding.

New videos every week, and quizzes to test your knowledge built into the videos.

For the advanced version of the course are homework assignments and exams. These will be graded to determine if you can master AI the same way any good Stanford student could do it.

If you finish the course the lecturers will sign a letter of accomplishment and let you know what your rank in the class was.

Course Overview

Purpose of the class:

  • To teach the basics of AI artificial intelligence
  • To excite you


  • Videos -> Quizzes -> Answer Videos
  • Assignments (like quizzes but without the answers) and exams

Intelligent Agents

The agent has sensors that measure the environment, and actuators that can affect the environment.

The function that maps sensors to actuators is called the Control Policy of the agent.

This is the Perception-Action cycle:

Applications of AI



Poker Question

Robot Car Question

AI and Uncertainty

Machine Translation

Chinese Translation
