program scsi(input,output); {*** Copyright Notice: This source Code belongs to the book "The SCSI Bus and IDE Interface" from Addison-Wesley. It may be used, ported and modified for non-commercial purposes when this copyright notice is included. Authorisation from the publisher is necessary for commercial purposes. } uses CRT, DOS; const PNAM : string='SCSI-Monitor V1.0 rev 024e 18.7.94 (fs)'; {Generic Constants} HEX_CHAR : string='0123456789ABCDEF'; {BIOS Functions} BIOS_SERVICES = $10; BIOS_SETCURSOR = $01; {DOS Interrupts} DOS_INT21 = 21; DOS_OPEN_FILE = $3D; DOS_CLOSE_FILE = $3E; DOS_IOCTL_READ = $4402; {ASPI Specific Constants} ASPI_NAME = 'SCSIMGR$'; ASPI_ENTRY_LENGTH= 4; ASPI_SRB_LENGHT = $7F; SRB_COMMAND_CODE = $00; SRB_STATUS = $01; SRB_TARGET_ID = $08; SRB_LUN = $09; SRB_DATA_LENGTH = $0A; SRB_BUFFER_OFS = $0F; SRB_BUFFER_SEG = $11; SRB_SCSI_LEN = $17; SRB_HA_STATUS = $18; SRB_TARGET_STATUS= $19; SRB_SCSI_CMD = $40; SRB_X_SCSICMD = $02; {SCSI Specific Constants} {Program specific constants} CURSOR_ON = 2; CURSOR_OFF = 0; MIN_LINE = 1; MIN_ROW = 1; MAX_LINE = 25; MAX_ROW = 80; CMD_BUFFERS = 9; CMD_LENGTH = 11; CMD_LINE = 3; STAT_ROW = 57; ID_LENGTH = 1; MAX_ID = 7; DATA_BUFFERS = 9; DATA_LENGTH = $0FFE; DATA_LINE = 5; INSTR_LINE = 24; { MAX_LINE-1 } STATUS_LINE = 25; { MAX_LINE } PROMPT = 'Command: '; CMD_PROMPT = 'SCSI Command '; DATA_PROMPT = 'SCSI Data Buffer Nr. '; STAT_LABEL = 'St'; ID_LABEL = 'Id'; LUN_LABEL = 'Lu'; TIME_LABEL = 'Zt'; LEN_LABEL = 'lN'; LINK_LABEL = 'nX'; {SCSI Simulator} const SIMULATOR_ID = $00; SIMULATOR_LUN = $00; TEST_UNIT_READY = $00; REQUEST_SENSE = $03; INQUIRY = $12; GOOD = $00; CHECK_CONDITION = $02; ID_NOT_PRESENT = $FE; SENSE_KEY = 2; SENSE_CODE = 12; ADD_LENGTH = 7; {Sense Keys} NOT_READY = $02; ILLEGAL_REQUEST = $05; {Sense Codes} LUN_NOT_SUPPORTED : array[0..1] of byte = ($25,$00); ILLEGAL_OPCODE : array[0..1] of byte = ($20,$00); INVALID_CDB_Field : array[0..1] of byte = ($24,$00); INQUIRY_DATA : Array [0..35] of Byte = ($1F,$00,$02,$02,30,$00,$00,$00, ord('S'),ord('C'),ord('H'),ord('M'), ord('I'),ord('D'),ord('T'),$20, ord('S'),ord('C'),ord('S'),ord('I'), ord('-'),ord('S'),ord('I'),ord('M'), ord('U'),ord('L'),ord('A'),ord('T'), ord('O'),ord('R'),ord(' '),ord(' '), ord('0'),ord('0'),ord('2'),ord('0')); {Messages} ILLEGAL_INSTR ='Illegal comand!'; ILLEGAL_HEXBYTE ='Illegal hexadezimal value for a byte: '; ILLEGAL_CMD_OFFSET ='Command offset too big: '; ILLEGAL_DATA_OFFSET ='Data offset too big: '; ILLEGAL_ID_OFFSET ='No offset at SCSI ID and LUN possible: '; ILLEGAL_ID ='Illegal SCSI ID: '; ILLEGAL_LUN ='Illegal LUN: '; ILLEGAL_CMD_NUMBER ='Command Number too big: '; ILLEGAL_DATA_NUMBER ='Buffer number too big: '; COMMAND_NOT_IMPLEM ='This command is not yet implemented!'; BYTES_IGNORED ='Hint: Bytes from Byte 2 on ignored'; NO_REPLICATE ='This command supports no replication count: '; NO_OFFSET ='This command supports no offset: '; ERROR_OPEN_OUTFILE ='Output file could not be opened: '; NO_SCSI_DRIVER ='No SCSI driver loaded!'; ASPI_CONNECTED ='ASPI loaded'; SIMULATOR_CONN ='SCSI target simulator loaded'; ASPI_OPEN_ERROR ='Error opening ASPI'; HELP_MESSAGE ='Commands: Command, Data, dRriver, Go, Help, Id, Lun, leNgth, neXt, Quit' ; ASPI_MINIMUM ='SCSI commandos under ASPI must be at least two bytes long!'; type {Generic Types} MemAdress = record Offset: integer; Segment: integer; end; {ASPI-Types} SRBsize= 0..ASPI_SRB_LENGHT; SRBarray = array[SRBsize] of byte; {SCSI-Types} SCSICmd = record Command: array[0..11] of byte; Status: byte; ID: byte; LUN: byte; Len: byte; TimeOut: byte; Next: byte; end; SCSIBuffers = 0..CMD_BUFFERS; DataBuffers = 0..DATA_BUFFERS; BufferLength = 0..DATA_LENGTH; DataBufferType = array[DataBuffers,BufferLength] of byte; var CommandBuffer: array[SCSIBuffers] of SCSICmd; CommandNumber: byte; DataBuffer : DataBufferType; DataBufferPointer : array[DataBuffers] of word; DataBufferNbr: Byte; RunTime: boolean; MaintMode: boolean; {Maintenance mode display SRB if ASPI} Instruction, SavedInstruction, SavedStatusLine: String; AspiFileHandle: integer; AspiEntryPoint: MemAdress; SRB: SRBarray; SCSIConnected: string; outfile: text; FileName: string; SenseData: array[0..17] of byte; {**** Low Level Functions} procedure SaveScreen(var outfile:text); const ScreenOffset = $0; ScreenSegment = $B800; var k,l: byte; begin for k:=0 to 24 do begin for l:=0 to 79 do write(outfile,char(mem[ScreenSegment:ScreenOffset+(k*160)+2*l])); writeln(outfile); end; end; function FileOpen(FileName:string):integer; var register: registers; begin FileName:=FileName+chr(0); with register do begin ax := DOS_OPEN_FILE shl 8; bx:=0; cx:=0; ds := seg(FileName); dx := ofs(FileName)+1; { because T4 strings have the length in byte 0 } end; MSDOS(register); if (register.flags and FCarry) > 0 then FileOpen:=-1 else; end; function FileClose(FileHandle:integer):integer; var register: registers; begin with register do begin ax := DOS_CLOSE_FILE shl 8; bx:=FileHandle; end; MSDOS(register); if (register.flags and FCarry) = 0 then FileClose:=0 else; end; procedure SetCursor(CursorSize:byte); var regs: registers; MaxCurs: byte; begin if LastMode<7 then MaxCurs:=7 {CGA Adapter} else MaxCurs:=13; regs.AH:=BIOS_SETCURSOR; if CursorSize=0 then begin regs.CH:=$FF; regs.CL:=$FF; end else begin regs.CH:=MaxCurs-CursorSize+1; regs.CL:=MaxCurs; end; intr(BIOS_SERVICES, regs) end; {**** Miscellanous Generic Functions} function Byte2Hex(byt:byte):string; const hexarray : array [0..$F] of char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; begin Byte2Hex:=hexarray[byt shr 4] + hexarray[byt and $F]; end; function Integer2Hex(byt:Integer):string; const hexarray : array [0..$F] of char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; begin Integer2Hex:=hexarray[(byt and $F000) shr 12] + hexarray[(byt and $0F00) shr 8] + hexarray[(byt and $00F0) shr 4] + hexarray[byt and $F]; end; function upper(InString:string):string; var k: byte; begin for k:=1 to ord(Instring[0]) do Instring[k]:=UpCase(Instring[k]); upper:=InString; end; function space(len:integer):string; var k: byte; result: string; begin result:=''; if len>0 then begin if len>$FF then len:=$FF; for k:=1 to len do result:=concat(result,' '); end; space:=result; end; function token(WorkString: string; Number: byte): string; var k: byte; begin token:=''; for k:=1 to Number-1 do if pos(' ',Workstring)>0 then WorkString:=copy(WorkString,pos(' ',Workstring)+1, 255) else begin WorkString:=''; exit; end; if pos(' ',Workstring)>0 then WorkString:=copy(WorkString,1,pos(' ',Workstring)-1); token:=WorkString; end; function ltrim(CString: string): string; begin while ((length(CString)>0) and (CString[1]=' ')) do cString:=copy(CString,2,$FF); ltrim:=cString; end; function LegalHex(var HexByte:String; IsInteger: boolean):boolean; var k: byte; result: boolean; ProperLength: byte; begin if IsInteger then ProperLength:=4 else ProperLength:=2; HexByte:=upper(HexByte); Result:=length(Hexbyte)<=ProperLength; if Result then begin for k:=length(HexByte)+1 to ProperLength do HexByte:=concat('0',HexByte); for k:=1 to ProperLength do Result:=(pos(HexByte[k],HEX_CHAR)>0) and Result; end; LegalHex:=Result; end; function Hex2Byte(HexByte:String):byte; begin Hex2Byte:=(pos(HexByte[1],HEX_CHAR)-1)*16+pos(HexByte[2],HEX_CHAR)-1; end; function Hex2Integer(Hex:String):Integer; begin Hex2Integer:=(pos(Hex[1],HEX_CHAR)-1)*$1000 +(pos(Hex[2],HEX_CHAR)-1)*$100 +(pos(Hex[3],HEX_CHAR)-1)*$10 +pos(Hex[4],HEX_CHAR)-1 ; end; function Min(X,Y:integer):integer; begin if X>Y then min:=Y else min:=X; end; {**** SCSI generic functions} function SCSICmdLen(Opcode: byte):byte; begin SCSICmdLen:=0; if Opcode and $E0 = $00 then SCSICmdLen:=6; if Opcode and $E0 = $20 then SCSICmdLen:=10; if Opcode and $E0 = $40 then SCSICmdLen:=10; if Opcode and $E0 = $A0 then SCSICmdLen:=12; end; function SimulIdLun(var CommandBuffer: SCSICmd; ID,LUN: Byte; var LUNStatus:byte): boolean; const LUN_SUPP_CONN = $00; LUN_NOT_SUPP = $03; begin if CommandBuffer.ID=ID then begin SimulIdLun:=true; if CommandBuffer.LUN=LUN then LUNStatus:=LUN_SUPP_CONN else LUNStatus:=LUN_NOT_SUPP; end else SimulIdLUN:=false; end; procedure CheckCommand(var CommandBuffer: SCSICmd; CommandMask: array of byte); var k:byte; begin with CommandBuffer do for k:=0 to CMD_LENGTH do if (((Command[k] and CommandMask[k])>0) and (Status=GOOD)) then begin Status:=CHECK_CONDITION; SenseData[0]:=$70; SenseData[SENSE_KEY]:=ILLEGAL_REQUEST; SenseData[ADD_LENGTH]:=high(Sensedata)-ADD_LENGTH; SenseData[SENSE_CODE]:=INVALID_CDB_FIELD[0]; SenseData[SENSE_CODE+1]:=INVALID_CDB_FIELD[1]; end; end; procedure SCSISimulator(var CommandBuffer :SCSICmd ;var Data :array of byte); const CMD_00_MASK : array[0..CMD_LENGTH] of byte = ($0,$1F,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF); CMD_03_MASK : array[0..CMD_LENGTH] of byte = ($0,$1F,$FF,$FF,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF); CMD_12_MASK : array[0..CMD_LENGTH] of byte = ($0,$1F,$FF,$FF,$00,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF); var k, LUNStatus: byte; begin delay(200); with CommandBuffer do begin Status:=CHECK_CONDITION; if Command[0]<>REQUEST_SENSE then for k:=0 to high(SenseData) do SenseData[k]:=0; Case Command[0] of TEST_UNIT_READY : begin if not SimulIdLun(CommandBuffer,SIMULATOR_ID,SIMULATOR_LUN,LUNstatus) then Status:=ID_NOT_PRESENT else if LUNStatus=0 then begin Status:=GOOD; CheckCommand(CommandBuffer, CMD_00_MASK); end; end; INQUIRY : begin if not SimulIdLun(CommandBuffer,SIMULATOR_ID,SIMULATOR_LUN,LUNstatus) then Status:=ID_NOT_PRESENT else Begin Status:=GOOD; CheckCommand(CommandBuffer, CMD_12_MASK); if Status=GOOD then begin for k:=0 to min(Command[4]-1,high(INQUIRY_DATA)) do Data[k]:=INQUIRY_DATA[k]; Data[0]:=(LUNStatus shl 5) or Data[0]; end; end; end; REQUEST_SENSE : begin if not SimulIdLun(CommandBuffer,SIMULATOR_ID,SIMULATOR_LUN,LUNstatus) then Status:=ID_NOT_PRESENT else begin Status:=GOOD; CheckCommand(CommandBuffer, CMD_12_MASK); if Status=GOOD then begin if LUNStatus>0 then begin SenseData[0]:=$70; SenseData[SENSE_KEY]:=ILLEGAL_REQUEST; SenseData[ADD_LENGTH]:=high(Sensedata)-ADD_LENGTH; SenseData[SENSE_CODE]:=LUN_NOT_SUPPORTED[0]; SenseData[SENSE_CODE+1]:=LUN_NOT_SUPPORTED[1]; end; for k:=0 to min(Command[4]-1,high(SenseData)) do Data[k]:=SenseData[k]; for k:=0 to high(SenseData) do SenseData[k]:=0; SenseData[0]:=$70; SenseData[ADD_LENGTH]:=high(Sensedata)-ADD_LENGTH; end; end; end; else begin SenseData[0]:=$70; SenseData[SENSE_KEY]:=ILLEGAL_REQUEST; SenseData[ADD_LENGTH]:=high(Sensedata)-ADD_LENGTH; SenseData[SENSE_CODE]:=ILLEGAL_OPCODE[0]; SenseData[SENSE_CODE+1]:=ILLEGAL_OPCODE[1]; end; end; {Case} end; end; {**** ASPI-specific functions} procedure GetASPIEntry(FileHandle:integer; var AspiEntry:MemAdress); var register: registers; begin with register do begin ax := DOS_IOCTL_READ; bx:=FileHandle; cx:=ASPI_ENTRY_LENGTH; ds := seg(AspiEntry); dx := ofs(AspiEntry); end; MSDOS(register); end; procedure SCSI2SRB(var SRB: SRBarray; Command: SCSICmd; DataBufNbr: byte); var k:integer; begin for k:=0 to High(SRB) do SRB[k]:=0; SRB[SRB_COMMAND_CODE]:=SRB_X_SCSICMD; SRB[SRB_TARGET_ID]:=Command.ID; SRB[SRB_LUN]:=Command.LUN; SRB[SRB_DATA_LENGTH]:=lo(DATA_LENGTH); SRB[SRB_DATA_LENGTH+1]:=hi(DATA_LENGTH); if Command.Len=0 then SRB[SRB_SCSI_LEN]:=SCSICmdLen(Command.Command[0]) else SRB[SRB_SCSI_LEN]:=Command.Len; for k:=0 to SRB[SRB_SCSI_LEN]-1 do SRB[SRB_SCSI_CMD+k]:=Command.Command[k]; SRB[SRB_BUFFER_SEG]:=lo(seg(DataBuffer[DataBufNbr])); SRB[SRB_BUFFER_SEG+1]:=hi(seg(DataBuffer[DataBufNbr])); SRB[SRB_BUFFER_OFS]:=lo(ofs(DataBuffer[DataBufNbr])); SRB[SRB_BUFFER_OFS+1]:=hi(ofs(DataBuffer[DataBufNbr])); end; procedure SRB2SCSI(SRB: SRBarray; var Command: SCSICmd); var k:integer; begin if SRB[SRB_HA_STATUS]<>$00 then Command.Status:=$FE else Command.Status:=SRB[SRB_TARGET_STATUS]; end; procedure SRBexecute(var SRB: SRBarray; var SCSIBuffer: Array of byte); var SRBsegment, SRBoffset: integer; begin SRBsegment:=seg(SRB); SRBoffset:=ofs(SRB); asm mov ax, SRBsegment push ax mov ax, SRBoffset push ax LEA BX, AspiEntryPoint call DWORD PTR [bx] add sp,4 end; end; function InitializeASPI: boolean; label FatalError; var result: integer; begin InitializeASPI:=false; AspiFileHandle:=FileOpen(ASPI_NAME); if AspiFileHandle<=-1 then goto FatalError; AspiEntryPoint.segment:=0; AspiEntryPoint.offset:=0; GetASPIEntry(AspiFileHandle,AspiEntryPoint); result:=FileClose(AspiFileHandle); if result<>0 then goto FatalError; InitializeASPI:=true; FatalError: end; {*** Program specific functions most of these work on the global variables rather than on passed parameters} procedure Message(MessageText:string;Wait:boolean); var dummy: char; begin GotoXY(MIN_ROW,STATUS_LINE); write(MessageText); if wait then repeat until keypressed; GotoXY(MIN_ROW,STATUS_LINE); write(space(MAX_ROW-1)); SavedStatusLine:=MessageText; end; function DisplStatus(status:byte):String; begin DisplStatus:=Byte2Hex(Status); if Status=$FF then DisplStatus:='??'; if Status=$FE then DisplStatus:='--'; end; Procedure DisplayCommand(CommandBuffer: array of SCSICmd; CommandNumber:byte); var ByteNbr: byte; begin with CommandBuffer[CommandNumber] do begin GotoXY(MIN_ROW,CMD_LINE); write(CMD_PROMPT,Byte2Hex(CommandNumber),': '); for ByteNbr:=0 to CMD_LENGTH do write(Byte2Hex(Command[ByteNbr]),' '); GotoXY(STAT_ROW,CMD_LINE-1); write(ID_LABEL,' ',LUN_LABEL,' ',STAT_LABEL,' ',LEN_LABEL,' ',LINK_LABEL); GotoXY(STAT_ROW,CMD_LINE); write(Byte2Hex(ID),' ',Byte2Hex(LUN),' ',DisplStatus(Status),' ',Byte2Hex(Len),' ',Byte2Hex(Next)); end; end; procedure UpdateStatus(Text: string); var SavedAttrib: byte; begin SavedAttrib:=TextAttr; TextAttr:=TextAttr+blink; GotoXY(STAT_ROW+6,CMD_LINE); write(Text); TextAttr:=SavedAttrib; end; Procedure DisplayBuffer(var DataBuffer: DataBufferType; DataBufferNbr:byte); { var, because else a local copy of DataBuffer is generated, that takes too much space } const BYTES_PER_LINE: byte=16; NUMBER_OF_LINES: byte=16; var ByteNbr, LineNbr, ThisByte, SavedAttrib: byte; StartByte: Integer; begin StartByte:=DataBufferPointer[DataBufferNbr] and $FFF0; if StartByte>$80 then StartByte:=StartByte-$80 else StartByte:=0; if StartByte>DATA_LENGTH then StartByte:=DATA_LENGTH-$80; GotoXY(MIN_ROW,DATA_LINE); write(DATA_PROMPT,Byte2Hex(DataBufferNbr),': '); for LineNbr:=0 to NUMBER_OF_LINES-1 do if LineNbr*BYTES_PER_LINE+StartByte$1F) or (ThisByte=0)) then write(chr(ThisByte)) else begin SavedAttrib:=TextAttr; TextAttr:=(TextAttr and $77) shl 4; write(chr(ThisByte + $40)); TextAttr:=SavedAttrib; end; end; end else writeln(space(79)); end; procedure RefreshScreen; begin ClrScr; GotoXY(MIN_ROW,MIN_LINE); write(PNAM); DisplayCommand(CommandBuffer, CommandNumber); DisplayBuffer(DataBuffer, DataBufferNbr); GotoXY(MIN_ROW,INSTR_LINE); write(PROMPT); end; procedure GetInstruction; begin SavedInstruction:=Instruction; GotoXY(MIN_ROW,INSTR_LINE); write(PROMPT,space(MAX_ROW-length(PROMPT)-1)); GotoXY(MIN_ROW+length(PROMPT),INSTR_LINE); SetCursor(CURSOR_ON); readln(Instruction); SetCursor(CURSOR_OFF); Instruction:=ltrim(Upper(Instruction)); end; procedure ModifyBuffer(Instruction: string; var BufferNbr:byte; WhichBuffer: char); label error; var k: word; DataPointer,Replicate: word; ThisToken, SubToken: string; Offset, TokenNbr: byte; begin DataPointer:=0; {process first token: Command} TokenNbr:=1; ThisToken:=token(Instruction,1); for k:=1 to length(ThisToken) do if ThisToken[k]=',' then ThisToken[k]:=' '; {replace , with space} {first subtoken: BufferNumber} SubToken:=copy(token(ThisToken,1),2,$FF); { cut 1st character in 1st subtoken} if length(SubToken)>0 then begin if LegalHex(SubToken,false) then if WhichBuffer in ['C','I','L','T','N'] then if Hex2Byte(SubToken)<=CMD_BUFFERS then BufferNbr:=Hex2Byte(SubToken) else begin Message(concat(ILLEGAL_CMD_NUMBER,ThisToken[1],SubToken),true); goto error; end else if WhichBuffer='D'then if Hex2Byte(SubToken)<=DATA_BUFFERS then BufferNbr:=Hex2Byte(SubToken) else begin Message(concat(ILLEGAL_DATA_NUMBER,ThisToken[1],SubToken),true); goto error; end else Message(concat(ILLEGAL_HEXBYTE,SubToken),true); end; {second subtoken: Offset} SubToken:=token(ThisToken,2); if length(SubToken)>0 then begin if WhichBuffer in ['I','L','T','N'] then begin Message(concat(NO_OFFSET,Subtoken),true); goto error; end; if LegalHex(SubToken,true) then begin DataPointer:=Hex2Integer(SubToken); DataBufferPointer[BufferNbr]:=DataPointer; end else Message(concat(ILLEGAL_HEXBYTE,SubToken),true); end; {third subtoken: Replicate} Replicate:=1; SubToken:=token(ThisToken,3); if length(SubToken)>0 then begin if WhichBuffer in ['I','L','T','N'] then begin Message(concat(NO_REPLICATE,Subtoken),true); goto error; end; if LegalHex(SubToken,true) then Replicate:=Hex2Integer(SubToken) else Message(concat(ILLEGAL_HEXBYTE,SubToken),true); if Replicate=0 then goto Error; end; {process further tokens} TokenNbr:=2; ThisToken:=token(Instruction,TokenNbr); while length(ThisToken)>0 do begin if ((Replicate>1) and (TokenNbr>2)) then begin Message(BYTES_IGNORED,true); goto Error; end; Case WhichBuffer of 'C': if DataPointer>CMD_LENGTH then begin if Replicate=1 then Message(concat(ILLEGAL_CMD_OFFSET,Integer2Hex(DataPointer)),true); goto error; end; 'D': if DataPointer>DATA_LENGTH then begin if Replicate=1 then Message(concat(ILLEGAL_DATA_OFFSET,Integer2Hex(DataPointer)),true); goto error; end; 'I': if DataPointer>0 then begin Message(concat(ILLEGAL_ID_OFFSET,Integer2Hex(DataPointer)),true); goto error; end; 'L': if DataPointer>0 then begin Message(concat(ILLEGAL_ID_OFFSET,Integer2Hex(DataPointer)),true); goto error; end; end; if LegalHex(ThisToken,false) then case WhichBuffer of 'C': begin CommandBuffer[BufferNbr].Status:=$FF; {No Command Executed} for k:=1 to Replicate do begin CommandBuffer[BufferNbr].Command[DataPointer]:=Hex2Byte(ThisToken); inc(DataPointer); if DataPointer>CMD_LENGTH then goto Error; {Done, no error message} end; end; 'D': begin DataBufferPointer[BufferNbr]:=DataPointer; for k:=1 to Replicate do begin DataBuffer[BufferNbr,DataPointer]:=Hex2Byte(ThisToken); inc(DataPointer); if DataPointer>DATA_LENGTH+1 then goto Error; {Done, no error message} end; end; 'I': if Hex2Byte(ThisToken)<=MAX_ID then begin CommandBuffer[BufferNbr].ID:=Hex2Byte(ThisToken); CommandBuffer[BufferNbr].Status:=$FF; end else Message(concat(ILLEGAL_ID,ThisToken),true); 'L': if Hex2Byte(ThisToken)<=MAX_ID then begin CommandBuffer[BufferNbr].LUN:=Hex2Byte(ThisToken); CommandBuffer[BufferNbr].Status:=$FF; end else Message(concat(ILLEGAL_LUN,ThisToken),true); 'N': begin CommandBuffer[BufferNbr].len:=Hex2Byte(ThisToken); CommandBuffer[BufferNbr].Status:=$FF; end; 'X': CommandBuffer[BufferNbr].Next:=Hex2Byte(ThisToken); end else begin Message(concat(ILLEGAL_HEXBYTE,ThisToken),true); goto Error; end; inc(TokenNbr); ThisToken:=token(Instruction,TokenNbr); end; error: end; procedure DumpBuffer(var Buffer: Array of byte; Offset:byte; Length:byte; Tab:String); const BYTES_PER_LINE: byte=$10; var ByteNbr, LineNbr: byte; StartByte: Integer; begin StartByte:=Offset; ByteNbr:=0; LineNbr:=0; while StartByte < Offset+Length-1 do begin write(Tab, Byte2Hex(StartByte),': '); for ByteNbr:=0 to BYTES_PER_LINE-1 do if StartByte+ByteNbr < Offset+Length+1 then write(Byte2Hex(Buffer[StartByte+ByteNbr]),' ') else write(' '); write(' '); for ByteNbr:=0 to BYTES_PER_LINE-1 do if StartByte+ByteNbr < Offset+Length+1 then write(chr(Buffer[StartByte+ByteNbr])); LineNbr:=LineNbr+1; StartByte:=StartByte+BYTES_PER_LINE; writeln; end; end; procedure LoadDriver(WhichDriver: string); var k: byte; begin If length(WhichDriver)=0 then begin if SCSIConnected = 'ASPI' then Message(ASPI_CONNECTED,true); if SCSIConnected = 'SIMUL' then Message(SIMULATOR_CONN,true); if SCSIConnected = '' then Message(NO_SCSI_DRIVER,true); end else begin if copy(WhichDriver,1,1)='A' then if InitializeASPI then begin SCSIConnected:='ASPI'; message(ASPI_CONNECTED,true); end else begin message(ASPI_OPEN_ERROR,true); SCSIConnected:='SIMUL'; end; if copy(WhichDriver,1,1)='S' then begin SCSIConnected:='SIMUL'; message(SIMULATOR_CONN,true); for k:=0 to high(SenseData) do SenseData[k]:=0; end; end; end; procedure ExecuteInstruction; var NextCommand: byte; begin NextCommand:=CommandNumber; if instruction[1]<>'S' then SavedStatusLine:=''; if length(Instruction)>0 then case Instruction[1] of 'D': begin ModifyBuffer(Instruction,DataBufferNbr,'D'); DisplayBuffer(DataBuffer,DataBufferNbr); end; 'Q': RunTime:=false; 'G': repeat begin DisplayCommand(CommandBuffer, NextCommand); UpdateStatus('**'); if SCSIConnected='ASPI' then begin SCSI2SRB(SRB, CommandBuffer[NextCommand], DataBufferNbr); if SRB[SRB_SCSI_LEN]>1 then begin SRBexecute(SRB, Databuffer[DataBufferNbr]); repeat keypressed {allow ^C} until SRB[SRB_STATUS]<>0; SRB2SCSI(SRB, CommandBuffer[NextCommand]); end else message(ASPI_MINIMUM,true); end; if SCSIConnected='SIMUL' then SCSISimulator(CommandBuffer[NextCommand], Databuffer[DataBufferNbr]); if SCSIConnected='' then Message(NO_SCSI_DRIVER,true); DisplayCommand(CommandBuffer, NextCommand); DisplayBuffer(DataBuffer,DataBufferNbr); if MaintMode then begin GotoXY(MIN_ROW,DATA_LINE+11); writeln('SRB dump:',space(MAX_ROW-1-length('SRB dump'))); DumpBuffer(SRB, 00, $5F,' '); end; NextCommand:=CommandBuffer[NextCommand].Next end; until ((NextCommand=$FF) or keypressed); 'H': Message(HELP_MESSAGE,true); 'I': begin ModifyBuffer(Instruction,CommandNumber,'I'); DisplayCommand(CommandBuffer, CommandNumber); end; 'C': begin ModifyBuffer(Instruction,CommandNumber,'C'); DisplayCommand(CommandBuffer, CommandNumber); end; 'L': begin ModifyBuffer(Instruction,CommandNumber,'L'); DisplayCommand(CommandBuffer, CommandNumber); end; 'M': MaintMode:=not MaintMode; 'N': begin ModifyBuffer(Instruction,CommandNumber,'N'); DisplayCommand(CommandBuffer, CommandNumber); end; 'R': LoadDriver(token(Instruction,2)); 'S': begin FileName:=token(Instruction,2); if length(FileName)>0 then begin Assign (Outfile,FileName); {$I-} rewrite (outfile); {$I+} if IOresult=0 then begin GotoXY(MIN_ROW,INSTR_LINE); writeln(Prompt,SavedInstruction,space(MAX_ROW-length(PROMPT)-length(SavedInstruction)-1)); write(SavedStatusLine); SaveScreen(outfile); close (outfile); gotoXY(MIN_ROW,INSTR_LINE); writeln(PROMPT,Instruction,space(MAX_ROW-length(PROMPT)-length(Instruction)-1)); write(Space(79)); gotoXY(MIN_ROW+length(PROMPT),INSTR_LINE); end else message(concat(ERROR_OPEN_OUTFILE,FileName),true); end; end; 'X': begin ModifyBuffer(Instruction,CommandNumber,'X'); DisplayCommand(CommandBuffer, CommandNumber); end; '?': Message(HELP_MESSAGE,true); else Message(ILLEGAL_INSTR,true) end; end; procedure initialize; var BufNbr,ByteNbr : integer; begin CommandNumber:=0; Instruction:=''; SavedInstruction:='' {space(79-length(PROMPT))}; SavedStatusLine:=''{space(79)}; for BufNbr:=0 to CMD_BUFFERS do with CommandBuffer[BufNbr] do begin for ByteNbr:=0 to CMD_LENGTH do Command[ByteNbr]:=0; ID:=0; LUN:=0; Status:=$FF; Len:=0; TimeOut:=0; Next:=$FF; end; DataBufferNbr:=0; for BufNbr:=0 to DATA_BUFFERS do begin for ByteNbr:=0 to DATA_LENGTH do DataBuffer[BufNbr,ByteNbr]:=0; DataBufferPointer[BufNbr]:=0; end; RunTime:=true; MaintMode:=false; end; begin SetCursor(CURSOR_OFF); initialize; RefreshScreen; if InitializeASPI then begin SCSIConnected:='ASPI'; message(ASPI_CONNECTED,true); end else begin SCSIConnected:='SIMUL'; message(SIMULATOR_CONN,true); end; while RunTime do begin GetInstruction; ExecuteInstruction; end; SetCursor(CURSOR_ON); end.