Comparison of running times

Taken from page 15 of Introduction to Algorithms 3ed, for each function f(n) and time t in the following table, we determine the largest size n of a problem that can be solved in time t, assuming the algorithm to solve the problem takes f(n) microseconds.

lg n inf inf inf inf inf inf inf
√n 824,633,720,832 3.3776997205279E+15 1.3835058055282E+19 7.0835497243045E+21 7.2535549176878E+24 9.2845502946404E+26 7.6059036013694E+30
n 786,432 50,331,648 3,221,225,472 103,079,215,104 3,298,534,883,328 26,388,279,066,624 3.3776997205279E+15
n lg n 49,152 3,145,728 100,663,296 3,221,225,472 103,079,215,104 824,633,720,832 52,776,558,133,248
768 6,144 49,152 393,216 1,572,864 6,291,456 50,331,648
96 384 1,536 6,144 12,288 24,576 196,608
2n 24 24 24 48 48 48 48
n! 12 12 12 12 12 24 24

The above table generated with the following code:


define( 'MICROSECOND',  0.000001      );
define( 'SECOND',       1.0           );
define( 'MINUTE',       60.0 * SECOND );
define( 'HOUR',         60.0 * MINUTE );
define( 'DAY',          24.0 * HOUR   );
define( 'MONTH',        30.0 * DAY    );
define( 'YEAR',         365.0 * DAY   );
define( 'CENTURY',      100.0 * YEAR  );

$spec = [
  'second'  => SECOND,
  'minute'  => MINUTE,
  'hour'    => HOUR,
  'day'     => DAY,
  'month'   => MONTH,
  'year'    => YEAR,
  'century' => CENTURY,


function main() {
  global $spec;
  $data = [
    'lg n'   => calc( function( $n ) { return lg( $n ); } ),
    '√n'     => calc( function( $n ) { return sqrt( $n ); } ),
    'n'      => calc( function( $n ) { return $n; } ),
    'n lg n' => calc( function( $n ) { return $n * lg( $n ); } ),
    'n²'     => calc( function( $n ) { return $n * $n; } ),
    'n³'     => calc( function( $n ) { return $n * $n * $n; } ),
    '2^n'    => calc( function( $n ) { return pow( 2, $n ); } ),
    'n!'     => calc( function( $n ) { return fact( $n ); } ),
  print_result( $spec, $data );

function lg( $n ) { return log( $n, 2 ); }

function fact( $n ) {
  $result = 1;
  for ( $i = $n; $i >= 1; $i-- ) {
    $result *= $i;
  return $result;

function calc( $fn ) {
  global $spec;
  $n = 1;
  $result = [];
  foreach ( $spec as $label => $bound ) {
    $result[ $label ] = exhaust( $fn, $n, $bound );
  return $result;

function exhaust( $fn, &$n, $bound ) {
  while ( get_time( $fn, $n ) < $bound ) { $n *= 2; }
  // 2022-12-12 jj5 - just return the point between the value which fits and the value which doesn't
  return ( $n + ( $n / 2.0 ) ) / 2.0;

function get_time( $fn, $n ) {
  return $fn( $n ) * MICROSECOND;

function print_result( $spec, $data ) {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
  <title>Comparison of running times</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="date" content="Mon 12 Dec 2022 04:54:20 AEDT">
  <meta name="author" content="John Elliot V">
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html {
  min-height: 101%;
  margin: 1rem;
  padding: 0px;
.label {
  min-width: 3rem;
  text-align: center;
td {
  text-align: right;
thead tr td {
  background-color: #fff !important;
    <h1>Comparison of running times</h1>
    <p>Taken from page 15 of
      <a href="">Introduction to Algorithms 3ed</a>, for
      each function <i>f(n)</i> and time <i>t</i> in the following table, we determine the
      largest size <i>n</i> of a problem that can be solved in time <i>t</i>, assuming the
      algorithm to solve the problem takes <i>f(n)</i> microseconds.</p>

  print_table( $spec, $data );

    <p>The above table generated with the following code:</p>

  echo htmlspecialchars( file_get_contents( __FILE__ ) );


function print_table( $spec, $data ) {
  echo "<table class='nice-table'>\n";
  echo "<thead>\n";
  echo "<tr>\n";
  echo "<td class='label'></td>\n";
  foreach ( $spec as $column => $bound ) {
    echo "<th>1<br>$column</th>\n";
  echo "</tr>\n";
  echo "</thead>\n";
  echo "<tbody>\n";
  foreach ( $data as $fn => $values ) {
    if ( $fn === "2^n" ) { $fn = "2<sup>n</sup>\n"; }
    echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "<td class='label'>$fn</td>\n";
    foreach ( $spec as $column => $bound ) {
      echo "<td>" . format( $values[ $column ] ) . "</td>\n";
    echo "</tr>\n";
  echo "</tbody>\n";
  echo "</table>\n";

function format( $value ) {
  $strval = strval( $value );
  if ( strpos( $strval, 'E+' ) > 0 ) { return $strval; }
  return number_format( $value );